it’s another post with no content

Hey look it’s Monday again and again I have nothing of interest to post today.

I had wanted to finish up Sleeping Beauty this weekend. I did not. My eyelets for the bodice were supposed to arrive Friday and they didn’t. They show delivered but they’re not. And amazon won’t let me report it until tomorrow because they seem to think they’ll be here today. The eyelets were the next thing I wanted to do, and once those were done I could get the shoulder piece situated and figure out what I wanted to do with the hip parts.

I could’ve done the zipper on the dress. I did mess with it and get the new panels cut out but I didn’t get them attached so no zipper. I’m really kind of avoiding that.
So nothing of interest to report on the Sleeping Beauty front.

I did work on the shorts I’m making for Chase. Zippers came Friday so I got the zipper for the first pair installed and started putting the rest together. Last night I sewed the wrong seams together (I sewed the front to front and back to back. Instead of front to back and front to pack.) So I unpicked that and decided that was enough for that night.

Last week I was just super lazy. I decided to watch Twin Peaks. I’ve never seen it. Don’t know much about it. I was too young when it was on tv but I remember the hype. My entire extent of knowledge was the theme song, the backwards talking midget and Laura Palmer.

I’m enjoying but it’s absolutely not what I was expecting. It’s much campier and funnier than I thought it would be. I’m into season 2 and I’m mostly watching for sweet baby angel Agent Cooper.

In other news, we tried to watch Palm Springs and turned it off like a minute in. Then I saw a couple of articles saying it was good and not what you expected, so we gave it another chance and I’m glad we did. It really wasn’t what I expected, it was cute and… timely in today’s circumstances.

Saturday we painted my closet:

Pre-painting. The prior owners had the entire house repainted before putting it on the market, except the closets. They were pretty dingy and scuffed up, and I had wanted to paint them before unpacking our stuff… but in the end I didn’t want to hold up unpacking. So now that all the stuff is out of my closet for the plumbing repair, let’s get to it.

Had plenty of paint leftover from the upstairs bathroom. Only took about an hour! It probably could have used a second coat but it’s just my closet so not going to stress over it.

(Also if you’re wondering why I keep calling it “my closet” it’s because our main bathroom has 2 closets, his and hers. They’re the same size – Chase’s is on the other side of the bathroom.)

On the wall that had the shelving, I decided I wanted to put up a cute wallpaper.

Chase and I went to apply it yesterday. I knew putting up wallpaper wasn’t the easiest thing but I figured we are 2 artists, builders, we can do this. But um yeah. It was hard and it is FAR from perfect and the second layer is not lined up at the bottom. But it’s just my closet. SO I had to give up on perfection.

The mainly irritating thing was that I measured and it looked like 1 roll would be plenty for this one small wall. Nope. In order to match the pattern, I basically had to lose half the roll. So I had to order another roll. It made this project way more expensive than I planned and now I have to wait another few days before I can put my closet back together.

Sunday I went up and visited with Mema and Daddy Bob.

So that’s all I got for this week. OH! I nearly forgot.

We were supposed to be at Huntsville Comic Expo this weekend. We canceled several weeks ago which I’m sure I mentioned; it just didn’t feel safe or right to travel out of state for a con right now. I was sad to miss it, the con went on, and hopefully went ok. But last week they posted they were hosting their costume contest digitally, and you didn’t have to be attending to enter. I’d been considering entering my lake dress from the start, when the con was going to be in April. So I figured why not. I put together a breakdown PDF and entered. And I won first place advanced! How cool! So even though I didn’t get to GO I’m glad I still got to be there in spirit in the costume contest.